
New biomarkers of multiple sclerosis pathogenesis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic debilitating inflammatory disease targeting the brain. The pathogenesis of MS remains largely unknown, though brain tissue damage in MS is likely due to immune cells attacking myelin basic ...

Inflammatory disorders

Tailored intervention in acute and chronic inflammation

Signal molecules called chemokines often work in tandem to recruit specific sets of immune cells to sites of tissue damage. A systematic analysis of their interactions by researchers from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) ...


Does boosting 'good' cholesterol really improve your health?

A new review addresses the mysteries behind "good" HDL cholesterol and why boosting its levels does not necessarily provide protection from cardiovascular risk for patients. It appears that augmenting the function of HDL ...


Immune cell drives heart failure in mice

A new study in mice reveals that eosinophils, a type of disease-fighting white blood cell, appear to be at least partly responsible for the progression of heart muscle inflammation to heart failure in mice.

Medical research

Inflammation in regeneration: A friend or foe?

Regeneration is an inherent property of life. However, the potential to regenerate differs across species: while fish and amphibians can re-grow appendages such as limbs, tails, and fins, mammals, including humans, cannot ...

Medical research

How important is the gut microbiome? It may depend on your genetics

Our gut microbiomes—the bacteria that live in our digestive tract—play major roles in our health. Scientists around the world are studying therapies that manipulate the microbiome, including probiotics (such as live bacterial ...

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