Page 9 - Cornell Food & Brand Lab


The new face of tofu: And how to get your friends to try it

Tofu has long been a favorite among vegetarians and families with eastern ancestry. But now Tofu is becoming a bigger part of western diets, especially with 20-something women who want dishes that are quick, easy to cook ...


Small units on a big surface = fewer calories

How does the size of the table we eat at influence how much we eat? This is the question that researchers posed and answered in a new study published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. They found that ...


Implied motion improves food evaluation

Think you'd like the food on your plate more if it was moving? Off-hand, your mind might go to images of worms and other small critters - an unappealing proposition. But a new study by researchers Yaniv Gvili, Moty Amar, ...


Smarter lunchrooms innovators

School food service directors are the gatekeepers of child nutrition for over 30 million students nationwide, thus having a tremendous opportunity to help instill healthy eating habits among our youth through the no-cost ...

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