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Researchers develop hybrid antibody with improved immune activation

Antibodies can be likened to keys, with antigens as the corresponding locks. Each antibody is uniquely shaped to fit a specific antigen, much like a key fits its particular lock. The precise ability to bind to disease-causing ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Large-scale study assesses the short-term impact on stress of self-administered mindfulness exercises

Mindfulness practices, derived from ancient meditative traditions, have become increasingly popular in modern society. Past studies have found that these practices, which encourage people to intentionally direct their attention ...

Medical research news


Music study reveals brain's predictive power

Ever heard just a snippet of a song and instantly known what comes next? Or picked up the rhythm of a chorus after just a few notes? New research from the Center for Music in the Brain at Aarhus University and the Centre ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dermatology and mental health: Study links psoriasis to OCD

In an ongoing effort to better understand possible links between skin conditions and mental health, researchers at Yale School of Medicine have discovered an association between psoriasis and obsessive-compulsive disorder ...


Gene variant may underlie diabetes disparities

A genetic variation common in people of African ancestry is associated with an increased risk of complications from diabetes, including diabetic retinopathy, according to a report published June 25 in the journal Nature Medicine.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Positive emotion skills combat burnout among health care workers

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated already rising rates of burnout among American health care workers. A new Northwestern University study found learning and practicing skills that increase positive emotion like gratitude, ...