
Study identifies 'major player' in skin cancer genes

A multidisciplinary team at Yale, led by Yale Cancer Center members, has defined a subgroup of genetic mutations that are present in a significant number of melanoma skin cancer cases. Their findings shed light on an important ...

Oncology & Cancer

A combined approach to treating metastatic melanoma

Oncologists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center have successfully treated a patient with metastatic melanoma by combining two different types of immunotherapy. Cassian Yee and colleagues describe their approach ...


Update shows relatlimab + nivolumab slows advanced melanoma

For patients with previously untreated metastatic or unresectable melanoma, the combination of relatlimab + nivolumab continues to demonstrate a progression-free survival (PFS) benefit over nivolumab alone, according to updated ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cell senescence does not stop tumor growth

Since cancer cells grow indefinitely, it is commonly believed that senescence could act as a barrier against tumor growth and potentially be used as a way to treat cancer. A collaboration between a cancer biologist from the ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study finds dramatic rise in skin cancer in young adults

Even as the rates of some cancers are falling, Mayo Clinic is seeing an alarming trend: the dramatic rise of skin cancer, especially among people under 40. According to a study by Mayo Clinic researchers published in the ...

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