
Neurons with good housekeeping are protected from Alzheimer's

Some neurons in the brain protect themselves from Alzheimer's with a cellular cleaning system that sweeps away toxic proteins associated with the disease, according to a new study from Columbia University and the University ...


Controlling mood through the motions of mitochondria

(Medical Xpress)—Regulating the distribution of power in neurons is done by a system that makes the national electric grid look simple by comparison. Each neuron has several thousand mitochondria confined into narrow neuritic ...


Cancer drug prevents build-up of toxic brain protein

Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center have used tiny doses of a leukemia drug to halt accumulation of toxic proteins linked to Parkinson's disease in the brains of mice. This finding provides the basis to plan ...


Could a protein called klotho block dementia and aging?

Neurologist and neuroscientist Dena Dubal, MD, Ph.D., is taking an innovative approach to battling neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Rather than trying to understand the specific mechanisms ...


Inflammatory marker linked to dementia

An inflammatory marker called sCD14 is related to brain atrophy, cognitive decline and dementia, according to a study of more than 4,700 participants from two large community-based heart studies. The study was published Monday, ...

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