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Medical research news

Medical research

Blood stem cell research could transform bone marrow transplants

Melbourne researchers have made a world first breakthrough in creating blood stem cells that closely resemble those in the human body. And the discovery could soon lead to personalized treatments for children with leukemia ...

Medical research

Teaching old birds new tricks: Zebra finches defy age-related learning limits

We all know the adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks." As we age, our ability to learn new skills, like mastering a foreign language or picking up a musical instrument, seems to fade. The culprit? A decline in brain ...

Medical research

Ultrasound device shows promise for treating chronic pain

Pain is a necessary biological signal, but a variety of conditions can cause those signals to go awry. For people with chronic pain, the root is often faulty signals emerging deep within the brain, giving false alarms about ...

Medical research

Review highlights advances in kidney cancer research and care

New insights into the biology of kidney cancer, including those informed by scientific discoveries that earned a Nobel Prize, have led to advances in treatment and increased survival rates, according to a review by UNC Lineberger ...

Medical research

Key discovery advances fight to reduce breast cancer recurrence

In looking for new ways to fight breast cancer, scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School have unmasked a surprising role of a protein generally associated with cancer growth. They have discovered that in estrogen receptor-positive ...

Medical research

Worms fed a natural plant extract fatten, live 40% longer

A research team in the Louisiana State University Department of Biological Sciences led by Assistant Professor Adam Bohnert has published a landmark study linking greater metabolic health—achieved through a natural plant ...

Medical research

Targeting gene therapy directly into the lungs

Tufts researchers are building a reputation for precision targeting in drug delivery. Their tools: tiny lipid-based nanoparticles (LNPs) fine-tuned to latch on to specific tissues, organs, even cell types within the body. ...

Medical research

New discovery could phase out medications from pig intestines

The most expensive part of the pig is neither the tenderloin nor the neck chop, but part of the intestine used for medicine against blood clots. There are about 2,000 pigs required to produce a kilogram of the drug heparin, ...

Medical research

RNA molecules control repair of human DNA in cancer cells

A new study from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden shows how certain RNA molecules control the repair of damaged DNA in cancer cells, a discovery that could eventually give rise to better cancer treatments. The study is published ...

Medical research

Predicting the chaos in Tourette syndrome tics

During the pandemic, news reports surfaced of a surge of young adults showing up at doctors' offices with unexplainable movement disorders that looked, perhaps to a non-specialist, a little bit like Tourette syndrome.

Medical research

Ivermectin does not prevent progression to severe COVID-19

Ivermectin treatment during early illness does not prevent progression to severe disease for high-risk patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19, according to a study published online Feb. 18 in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Medical research

Global strategy on schistosomiasis aims to eliminate the disease

As a medical student looking for a research project, Nathan Lo, MD, Ph.D., stumbled across schistosomiasis, a parasitic worm disease that infects people in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and South America when they bathe or ...

Medical research

Project pools resources to speed up rare disease diagnoses

Rare diseases constitute a major health issue in Europe: An estimated 30 million people live with one, and of these, 50% have not received a diagnosis. The suffering caused by these disorders, both to patients and the doctors ...

Medical research

Scientists map entire human gut at single cell resolution

If you get nervous, you might feel it in your gut. If you eat chili, your gut might revolt, but your friend can eat anything and feel great. You can pop ibuprofen like candy with no ill effects, but your friend's belly might ...

Medical research

The ethics of research on conscious artificial brains

One way that scientists are studying how the human body grows and ages is by creating artificial organs in the laboratory. The most popular of these organs is currently the organoid, a miniaturized organ made from stem cells. ...