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Medical research news

Medical research

Study finds tumor growth fueled by nucleotide salvage

Cancer cells salvage purine nucleotides to fuel tumor growth, including purines in foods we eat, an important discovery with implications for cancer therapies from research by Children's Medical Center Research Institute ...

Medical research

Study highlights association between urinary and vaginal pathogenic E. coli in recurrent cystitis

The human body hosts a diverse array of microorganisms that maintain a delicate balance crucial for overall health. This microbial harmony can be disrupted by factors such as infections, aging, and hormonal changes, leading ...

Medical research

Protein droplets likely don't cause Parkinson's, study suggests

Liquid-liquid phase separation is not a precursor to formation of amyloid fibrils, a pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease, shows a recent study. Rather, the formation of protein into liquid droplets may help to dissolve ...

Medical research

PrEP implant that protects against HIV could be near

Animal research is pointing toward a new way to prevent HIV infection: a refillable implant that continuously delivers antiretroviral medications for up to 20 months at a time.

Medical research

Gamifying medical data labeling to advance AI

When Erik Duhaime, Ph.D. was working on his thesis in MIT's Center for Collective Intelligence, he noticed his wife, then a medical student, spending hours studying on apps that offered flash cards and quizzes. His research ...

Medical research

Pro-inflammatory diet linked to worsening relapse rate in MS

For people with multiple sclerosis (MS), a pro-inflammatory diet is associated with worsening relapse rate and greater periventricular fluid-attenuated inversion recovery lesion volume, according to a study published online ...