
Metabolic patterns of propofol, sevoflurane differ in children

(HealthDay)—For children undergoing routine anesthesia for medically indicated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the metabolic signature varies with use of sevoflurane and propofol, according to a study published in the ...

Medical research

Stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury

Stem cells are considered promising agents for the recovery of spinal cord injuries. European scientists explore their abilities and plan future therapeutic strategies.

Medical research

A new starring role for astrocytes

Astrocytes, previously thought of as helper cells for neurons, have recently been shown to send signals themselves. The signals are chemical not electrical and astrocytes send them to neurons, vascular cells and other ...

Medical research

Researchers develop new drug that blocks traumatic memories

Understanding memory is still one of the greatest challenges in science. In recent years, no one doubted the role that neurons played in the formation of cerebral networks. A few years ago however, the scientific world turned ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Neuron-nourishing cells appear to retaliate in Alzheimer's

When brain cells start oozing too much of the amyloid protein that is the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, the astrocytes that normally nourish and protect them deliver a suicide package instead, researchers report.

Medical research

Once considered mainly 'brain glue,' astrocytes' power revealed

A type of cell plentiful in the brain, long considered mainly the stuff that holds the brain together and oft-overlooked by scientists more interested in flashier cells known as neurons, wields more power in the brain than ...

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