
From spinal cord injury to recovery

Spinal cord injury disconnects communication between the brain and the spinal cord, disrupting control over parts of the body. Studying the mechanisms of recovery, Leuven researcher Aya Takeoka (NERF) found that a specific ...


Intervening in glial cells protects neurons in Parkinson's model

Loss of dopaminergic neurons is a hallmark of Parkinson's disease pathology. When dopaminergic neurons are stressed, they send out a call for help to nearby glial cells that are tasked with providing neuronal support, protection ...

Medical research

Mechanical forces control cell fate during brain formation

A new study coordinated by the Research Group in Developmental Biology at UPF shows that during the embryonic development of the brain, the cells that are between adjacent segments detect the mechanical forces generated during ...


Neuroscientists discover new phase of synaptic development

Students preparing for final exams might want to wait before pulling an all-night cram session—at least as far as their neurons are concerned. Carnegie Mellon University neuroscientists have discovered a new intermediate ...


'Bioprinting' living brain cell networks in the lab

Monash University Engineering researchers have successfully used "bioinks" containing living nerve cells (neurons) to print 3D nerve networks that can grow in the laboratory and transmit and respond to nerve signals. The ...


Uncovering how humans hear one voice among many

Humans have an uncanny ability to zero in on a single voice, even amid the cacophony of voices found in a crowded party or other large gathering of people. Researchers have long sought to identify the precise mechanisms by ...

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