Cornell Food & Brand Lab

Overweight & Obesity

Do you really think you're a foodie?

Think you're a foodie? Adventurous eaters, known as "foodies," are often associated with indulgence and excess. However, a new Cornell Food and Brand Lab study shows just the opposite -adventurous eaters weigh less and may ...


Bright lighting encourages healthy food choices

Dining in dimly lit restaurants has been linked to eating slowly and ultimately eating less than in brighter restaurants, but does lighting also impact how healthfully we order?


Eating healthy or feeling empty?

Eating too much is typically considered one of the prime culprits of obesity. A new study published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, looked specifically at overconsumption of "healthy" foods which ...


Breakfast preferences of healthy weight people

Time and again we've been told: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This refrain has proven particularly truthful for people who are trying to lose weight. To gain insight into what breakfast eating habits would ...


Weigh-in once a week or you'll gain weight

Stepping on the scale is common among dieters but how does the frequency of weigh-ins impact weight? A new study in PLOS ONE showed that the more frequently dieters weighed themselves the more weight they lost, and if participants ...


An apple a day brings more apples your way

We have all been told not to grocery shop on an empty stomach, but what other tips can help us shop, and consequently eat, healthier? Cornell researchers Aner Tal, PhD and Brian Wansink, PhD (author of Slim by Design: Mindless ...

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