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Oncology & Cancer

Clinical cancer research in the US is increasingly dominated by pharmaceutical industry sponsors, study finds

Researchers at Fred Hutch Cancer Center identified a substantial increase over the past decade in the proportion of patients with cancer in the U.S. who participate in pharmaceutical industry sponsored clinical trials compared ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study finds estrogens play a hidden role in cancers, inhibiting a key immune cell

Estrogens are known to drive tumor growth in breast cancer cells that carry its receptors, but a new study by Duke Cancer Institute researchers unexpectedly finds that estrogens play a role in fueling the growth of breast ...

Medical research news

Medical research

Mouse study explores how nerve cells repair themselves

New mouse model research led by scientists at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, College of Medicine and Imperial College London explored how nerve cells repair themselves, which could lead to new treatments ...

Radiology & Imaging

Exploring how melanin influences clinical oxygen measurements

Obtaining accurate clinical measurements is essential for diagnosing and treating a wide range of health conditions. Regrettably, the impact of skin type and pigmentation is not equally considered in the design and calibration ...


Circadian rhythm disruption linked to lung inflammation

In a study published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, researchers at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center for Sleep, Circadian and Neuroscience research have explored the effects of circadian rhythm disruption ...


Gut microbiome found to influence location of immune cells

Researchers at the Experimental and Clinical Research Center of Max Delbrück Center and Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin (ECRC) have found that different anatomical sections of the gastrointestinal tracts of mice carry ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Supported youth become supportive adults, researchers find

Adolescents who had emotional support from friends and relatives, and who were biologically prepared to respond well to others, were more likely to exhibit prosocial behavior and empathy for others as they entered young adulthood, ...


Understanding the how and why of preterm brain injury

Being born preterm is a known major risk factor for life-changing brain injury, but there is still a lot to understand about exactly what occurs inside these tiny babies that can do so much damage.


A new type of RNA could enhance vaccines and cancer treatments

It all started in the lab. Two Boston University doctoral students, Joshua McGee and Jack Kirsch, were creating and testing different types of RNA—strands of ribonucleic acid, built from chains of chemical compounds called ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Boosting brain protein levels may slow decline from Alzheimer's

A study published in the journal Brain shows that increases in protein levels with new Alzheimer's drugs can explain the slowing of cognitive impairment at least as well as the reduction in amyloid plaques.