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Medical research news

Medical research

Silicon exoskeletons for blood cells: Engineered blood cells successfully transfused between species

A study by an international research collaborative reports a stunning blood modification method that not only protects red blood cells for perfusion-based transplant organ cryostorage, but could make blood types cross-compatible ...

Medical research

Scientists discover a new cardiovascular risk factor and identify a drug able to reduce its effects

To the known risk factors for cardiovascular disease—high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, overweight and obesity, smoking, and physical inactivity—a new one has to be added, clonal hematopoiesis. This condition ...

Medical research

Ultrasound device shows promise for treating chronic pain

Pain is a necessary biological signal, but a variety of conditions can cause those signals to go awry. For people with chronic pain, the root is often faulty signals emerging deep within the brain, giving false alarms about ...

Medical research

Review highlights advances in kidney cancer research and care

New insights into the biology of kidney cancer, including those informed by scientific discoveries that earned a Nobel Prize, have led to advances in treatment and increased survival rates, according to a review by UNC Lineberger ...

Medical research

Key discovery advances fight to reduce breast cancer recurrence

In looking for new ways to fight breast cancer, scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School have unmasked a surprising role of a protein generally associated with cancer growth. They have discovered that in estrogen receptor-positive ...

Medical research

Study of pythons could lead to new therapies for heart disease

In the first 24 hours after a python devours its massive prey, its heart grows 25%, its cardiac tissue softens dramatically, and the organ squeezes harder and harder to more than double its pulse. Meanwhile, a vast collection ...

Medical research

Researchers discover how sound reduces pain in mice

An international team of scientists has identified the neural mechanisms through which sound blunts pain in mice. The findings, which could inform development of safer methods to treat pain, were published in Science. The ...

Medical research

Gestures can improve understanding in language disorders

When words fail, gestures can help to get the message across—especially for people who have a language disorder. An international research team has now shown that listeners attend the gestures of people with aphasia more ...

Medical research

Climate factors predict future mosquito activity

Increases in three climate factors—temperature, rainfall, and ocean warming —predicted mosquito population growth in Sri Lanka for the next one to six months, according to a new study by an international team of researchers. ...

Medical research

Pathway deep in the brain makes it resilient after injury

For days, and even years, after someone suffers a stroke or traumatic brain injury, they have an increased risk of developing epilepsy. Now, researchers at Gladstone Institutes discovered that star-shaped cells called astrocytes ...

Medical research

Inhalable COVID vaccine shows promise in rodent model

Researchers have created an inhalable COVID-19 vaccine that is shelf stable at room temperature for up to three months, targets the lungs specifically and effectively, and allows for self-administration via an inhaler. The ...

Medical research

Lung cancer: When radiotherapy fails

Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world, with 2.2 million new cases and around 1.8 million deaths in 2020 alone. Although knowledge about the disease has improved considerably, and new therapeutic strategies can ...

Medical research

Gut bacteria mine dietary fiber to release beneficial nutrients

A new study from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis demonstrates that certain human gut microbes can mine dietary fiber to extract nutrients that otherwise would remain inaccessible to the human body. The ...

Medical research

Developmentally arrested IVF embryos can be coaxed to divide

Why do two-thirds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryos go into developmental arrest? A new study publishing June 30th in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Andrew Hutchins of Southern University of Science and Technology ...