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Medical research news

Medical research

Investigational mpox mRNA vaccine more effectively reduces disease severity in primates compared to available vaccines

The most frequently used mpox vaccine provides partial immunity to the disease but isn't always able to prevent severe symptoms or disease transmission. A new vaccine candidate from Moderna, mRNA-1769, more effectively limits ...

Medical research

Newly discovered gene may influence longevity in humans

Sleep, fasting, exercise, green porridge, black coffee, a healthy social life—there is an abundance of advice out there on how to live a good, long life. Researchers are working hard to determine why some people live longer ...

Medical research

New approach moves cell therapy closer to treating many disorders

A new approach to manufacturing cells that secrete and deliver therapies to specific parts of the body has taken a big step toward one day repairing joints and damage after heart attacks, countering transplant rejection and ...

Medical research

Blood stem cell research could transform bone marrow transplants

Melbourne researchers have made a world first breakthrough in creating blood stem cells that closely resemble those in the human body. And the discovery could soon lead to personalized treatments for children with leukemia ...

Medical research

Ultrasound device shows promise for treating chronic pain

Pain is a necessary biological signal, but a variety of conditions can cause those signals to go awry. For people with chronic pain, the root is often faulty signals emerging deep within the brain, giving false alarms about ...

Medical research

Review highlights advances in kidney cancer research and care

New insights into the biology of kidney cancer, including those informed by scientific discoveries that earned a Nobel Prize, have led to advances in treatment and increased survival rates, according to a review by UNC Lineberger ...

Medical research

Cannabis causes birth defects in susceptible mice

A chemical found in cannabis, a common recreational drug, has now been shown to cause birth defects in mice. Scientists from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai show that the psychoactive component of cannabis (THC) ...

Medical research

2 win medicine Nobel for showing how we react to heat, touch

Two scientists won the Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for their discoveries into how the human body perceives temperature and touch, revelations that could lead to new ways of treating pain or even heart disease.

Medical research

Glycerin is safe, effective in psoriasis model

Patients with psoriasis have reported that glycerin, an inexpensive, harmless, slightly sweet liquid high on the list of ingredients in many skin lotions, is effective at combatting their psoriasis and now scientists have ...

Medical research

Chili peppers and hugs: What inspired Nobel medicine winners

David Julius was browsing a supermarket aisle filled with chili pepper sauces when he turned to his wife, a fellow scientist, and said he thought it was time he finally solved how certain chemicals cause the sensation of ...

Medical research

Covid vaccines a shoo-in? Medicine opens Nobel season

The Nobel season opens on Monday with the pioneers of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and immune system research tipped for the medicine prize, which kicks off a week of awards against the backdrop of the pandemic.

Medical research

Pandemic causes a drop in blood donations

There are implications of the health crisis about which little is known yet. The spread of COVID has put the Italian national health system under serious stress and caused the postponement of less urgent hospital operations ...

Medical research

Looking beyond DNA to see cancer with new clarity

Researchers at UC San Francisco and UC San Diego have mapped out how hundreds of mutations involved in two types of cancer affect the activity of proteins that are the ultimate actors behind the disease. The work points the ...

Medical research

Classification of human tauopathies based on tau filament folds

Abnormal accumulation of misfolded tau protein in filaments characterizes numerous neurodegenerative diseases—collectively called tauopathies for this very reason. A long-standing collaboration between Michel Goedert's ...

Medical research

A tool to interrogate a new class of drugs

In 2014, the European Medicines Agency approved the drug Tecfidera for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis, a neurodegenerative disease that affects millions of people worldwide. In multiple sclerosis, inflammation ...

Medical research

How our unique brain takes shape during mid-pregnancy

About four or five months after conception, a burst of synaptic growth begins in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of the human fetus. And within this tangled mass of connections, the developing brain acquires the unique properties ...

Medical research

Power of stem cells harnessed to create cartilage tissue

Researchers at the University of Southampton have invented a new way to generate human cartilage tissue from stem cells. The technique could pave the way for the development of a much-needed new treatment for people with ...