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Medical research news

Medical research

Peptide cocktails show promise in combating antibiotic resistance

Antibiotics are essential tools in modern medicine, regularly used to treat bacterial infections and prevent infections during surgery. However, the widespread use of antibiotics has led to many bacteria developing resistance, ...

Medical research

Are AI-chatbots suitable for hospitals? Diagnostic capabilities of large language models tested

Large language models may pass medical exams with flying colors but using them for diagnoses would currently be grossly negligent. Medical chatbots make hasty diagnoses, do not adhere to guidelines, and would put patients' ...

Medical research

Cure for male pattern baldness given boost by sugar discovery

The key to curing male pattern baldness—a condition that affects up to 50% of men worldwide—could lie in a sugar that naturally occurs in the human body, according to scientists at the University of Sheffield.

Medical research

Study finds tumor growth fueled by nucleotide salvage

Cancer cells salvage purine nucleotides to fuel tumor growth, including purines in foods we eat, an important discovery with implications for cancer therapies from research by Children's Medical Center Research Institute ...

Medical research

Researchers invent self-powered drug delivery system

A team of scientists—led by Yamin Zhang, Ph.D., and Colin Franz, MD, Ph.D., at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and John Rogers, Ph.D., at Northwestern University—has developed novel technology with the potential to change the ...

Medical research

'Good autoantibodies' could help against long COVID

Sometimes in the laboratory there are unexpected results. "Previously it had been observed that autoantibodies are common in severe COVID patients, those who end up in intensive care," says Jonathan Muri, postdoctoral fellow ...

Medical research

How oxygen deprivation causes cancer cells to spread

In breast cancer, metastasis rather than the primary tumor is the cause of death. A lack of oxygen in the tumor cells promotes this metastasis, accompanied by a reprogramming of the cell's metabolism. Ph.D. candidate Qiuyu ...

Medical research

Acid glia in REM sleep: Stronger acid response in epileptic mice

Researchers at Tohoku University have shown that astrocytes—star-shaped glial cells that control the local ionic and metabotropic environment of the brain—exhibit an acid response with REM sleep in mice. They theorize ...

Medical research

How gut microbes help mend damaged muscles

The human immune system is incredibly versatile. Among its most skilled multitaskers are T cells, known for their role in everything from fighting infection to reining in inflammation to killing nascent tumors.