
Hormones and illness behavior

Nicoletta Sonino and associates, in the current issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, point to the importance of including illness behavior (the ways in which people experience, perceive, evaluate and ...


State healthcare under Scottish referendum spotlight

Scotland's independence referendum has thrown the spotlight on Britain's state-run National Health Service, as campaigners clash over the claim that it faces privatisation by stealth.


Smartphones may aid in dietary self-monitoring

The ability and consistency in monitoring one's diet, but not dietary quality, improves with the use of smartphone applications, according to new research by Arizona State University health scientists published in the latest ...


Nearly one in five new nurses leave first job within a year

Turnover of registered nurses (RNs) is an important and widely used measure in analyzing the health care workforce. It's used to project the job market for nurses (based on availability of jobs) and can also be considered ...


Draft study: More pilots test positive for drugs

A draft study of pilots killed in plane crashes over more than two decades shows increasing use of both legal and illegal drugs, including some that could impair flying.

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