
Poor hearing confines older adults to their homes

Vision and hearing problems reduce the active participation of older people in various events and activities. This was observed in two studies carried out by the Gerontology Research Center.


Why bad food is good for business

Many people eat badly because far too much of their energy is provided by nutritionally worthless junk foods and drinks. Part of the problem is the push by the food industry to get us to buy food that may be bad for us but ...


Uninviting Microbes to Your Summer Outings

Eating outside is one of the joys of summer. Picnics, barbeques, and camping are all opportunities to dine al fresco. But when packing food, you don't want to bring along any uninvited guests who might spoil both the fare ...


Crime Victims' Institute tracks the state of stalking in Texas

According to a 2010 survey by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an estimated 1.4 million women in Texas experience stalking during their lifetimes. Despite recent laws adopted in the state to protect stalking ...


Healthy diet set early in life

Promoting a healthy diet from infancy is important to prevent childhood obesity and the onset of chronic disease.


Hot cars can quickly prove deadly for kids

(HealthDay)—Before you decide it's safe to make a quick dash into the pharmacy while your toddler is asleep in a car seat during the hot months of summer, consider this: More than 600 children in the United States have ...

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