
Mortality rates increase due to extreme heat and cold

Epidemiological studies have repeatedly shown that death rates rise in association with extremely hot weather. The heat wave in Western Europe in the summer of 2003, for example, resulted in about 22,000 extra deaths. A team ...


It takes more than practice to excel, psychologist reports

Case Western Reserve University's new assistant professor of psychology Brooke N. Macnamara, PhD, and colleagues have overturned a 20-year-old theory that people who excel in their fields are those who practiced the most.


Elderly can get fit in 60 seconds

The health of OAPs can be dramatically improved with high-intensity training (HIT), a new study has shown.


Over 70 and still driving, who do you listen to?

Studies show older drivers self-regulate their actions behind the wheel, but now a QUT road safety researcher is looking to find out who and what influences their driving decisions and how this feedback can improve road safety.


Are Millennials redefining adulthood?

Once upon a time, a spouse, children and a home were among the most typical hallmarks of adulthood. But that definition may be changing, says one researcher involved in an ongoing University of Arizona study of young adults.

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