
Breathing new life into the yoga experience

A unique new architectural environment for people who practice yoga and meditation is planning to take this ancient discipline into the digital era.


Overprotective mums hinder children's health

Children whose mothers are highly protective are more likely to be overweight or obese by 10–11 years-old, according to research from the Telethon Kids Institute.


Eating disorders and depression in athletes

Sport is a proven contributor to high self-esteem, confidence, positive outlook and good health. It would be reasonable to assume then that athletes have higher than average protection from depression and dysfunctional eating? ...


New hope for chronic pain sufferers

A new study by a University of Reading researcher has found that painful areas on our body can be controlled through the power of positive thinking.


Major drop in Australian smoking rates

Smoking rates in Australia have fallen 15 per cent over a three-year period that included the introduction of standardised packaging laws for tobacco products.

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