
State court considers restoring NYC big-soda ban

New York City officials urged the state's top court on Wednesday to reinstate the city's ban on big sodas, arguing that the local Board of Health has authority to restrict products that make people obese and contribute to ...


An SMS a day keeps the doctor away

(Medical Xpress)—Habit-based messages by text message or email have proven to increase the fruit consumption of young adults according to Australian research.


Smokers slow to embrace routine use of electronic cigarettes

Sales of electronic cigarettes in the U.S. reached nearly $1.8 billion in 2013, but few of the smokers who tried the product have made the permanent switch from regular tobacco cigarettes, finds a new study published in the ...


The Internet of medical things

Each year, more than a million people suffer from medication errors in the United States. In recent years, the spread of barcode-based medication-administration systems has cut the rate of errors, but the barcode systems ...

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