
Researchers question e-cigarette regulation

Public health specialists in the UK have urged the World Health Organisation (WHO) not to "control and suppress" e-cigarettes as it prepares to publish global guidelines on the devices.


Teen drinking may lead to problems later in life

In a television interview early this year, ABC news anchor Elizabeth Vargas talked candidly about her recovery from alcoholism. Before seeking treatment last fall, Vargas drank as many as three to four glasses of wine a night ...


US lawmakers back state medical marijuana laws

The U.S. House of Representatives voted early Friday in favor of blocking the federal government from interfering with states that permit the use of medical marijuana.


In Russia, new anti-smoking law alarms tobacco giants

Tough new anti-smoking legislation that comes into force on Sunday in Russia has dismayed cigarette companies as they face the prospect of declining sales and tighter regulation of their industry.


Canada pledges Can$3.5 bn for maternal, child health

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper pledged Can$3.5 billion Thursday for immunization, better nutrition and the introduction of birth certificates in developing nations to improve the health of mothers and children.

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