
Women repeatedly short-changed by premature ejaculation

Around a third of all men suffer from premature ejaculation. For the majority of women, however, curtailed sexual intercourse without climaxing is less frustrating. A sex researcher from the University of Zurich reveals: ...


Alcohol industry '€œlikes' Facebook

(Medical Xpress)—A University of Queensland study shows Facebook is one of the alcohol industry's key promotional tools, sparking concerns about inadequate regulation of alcohol marketing on social media.


Study shows benefits of mushroom consumption

(Medical Xpress)—A preliminary study of the effects of mushroom ingestion on health conducted by University at Buffalo nutrition scientists and physiologists has found that healthy male and female subjects who consumed ...


Grandparents need to negotiate on child care

Grandparents derive great benefits from providing informal child care to their grandchildren, but often feel left out of the loop and out of pocket as a result, according to research from the University of Adelaide.


Public reporting of ICU mortality does not improve outcomes

A large study of intensive care patients in California found that public reporting of patient outcomes did not reduce mortality, but did result in reduced admission of the sickest patients to the ICU and increased transfer ...


Study shows why you need olive oil on your salad

A diet that combines unsaturated fats with nitrite-rich vegetables, such as olive oil and lettuce, can protect you from hypertension, suggests a new study led by King's College London. The findings, published in the journal ...

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