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Medical research news

Medical research

Blood stem cell research could transform bone marrow transplants

Melbourne researchers have made a world first breakthrough in creating blood stem cells that closely resemble those in the human body. And the discovery could soon lead to personalized treatments for children with leukemia ...

Medical research

Proof-of-principle study uncovers promising treatment for incurable prostate cancer

Researchers from Flinders University and University of South Australia have unveiled a promising new strategy that could be used to treat the most aggressive forms of prostate cancer. Their study, published in British Journal ...

Medical research

Ultrasound device shows promise for treating chronic pain

Pain is a necessary biological signal, but a variety of conditions can cause those signals to go awry. For people with chronic pain, the root is often faulty signals emerging deep within the brain, giving false alarms about ...

Medical research

Review highlights advances in kidney cancer research and care

New insights into the biology of kidney cancer, including those informed by scientific discoveries that earned a Nobel Prize, have led to advances in treatment and increased survival rates, according to a review by UNC Lineberger ...

Medical research

Key discovery advances fight to reduce breast cancer recurrence

In looking for new ways to fight breast cancer, scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School have unmasked a surprising role of a protein generally associated with cancer growth. They have discovered that in estrogen receptor-positive ...

Medical research

Does medical publishing have a bias against women faculty?

A novel study that surveyed more than 1,000 author citations in the top three peer-reviewed international medical journals showed a significant disparity regarding women and men faculty and authorship. Led by A. Laurie Shroyer, ...

Medical research

Breast cancer: Why metastasis spreads to the bone

When cancer cells break away from a primary tumor and migrate to other organs, this is called "metastatic cancer." The organs affected by these metastases, however, depend in part on their tissue of origin. In the case of ...

Medical research

COVID-19 can directly infect and damage human kidney cells

The virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, can directly infect a specialized type of kidney cell. The discovery helps explain why acute kidney injury is one of the main complications observed in patients with severe COVID-19, ...

Medical research

Multiple treatments to slow age-related muscle wasting

Everyone wants to stay fit and healthy as they grow old. But as we age, our body degrades, our muscles shrink and strength declines. Some older people suffer from excessive muscle loss, a condition known as sarcopenia. University ...

Medical research

Pupils reveal 'aphantasia'—the absence of visual imagination

The study, led by researchers from UNSW Sydney and published in eLife, found that the pupils of people with aphantasia did not respond when asked to imagine dark and light objects, while those without aphantasia did.

Medical research

Unexpected protein could play role in common brain disorder

Scientists have known for years that amyloid fibrils—fibrous, ropelike structures formed by closely linked protein molecules—are present in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and likely play ...

Medical research

Drug treatment: There's an app for that too

Addiction treatment providers scrambled at the start of the coronavirus pandemic to find ways to keep people engaged after they shut their physical doors.

Medical research

Genes can affect our nutrient tolerance

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are essential nutrients to all animals. Yet dietary variation between species, populations and individuals can vary dramatically.

Medical research

What a tiny, wiggling worm can teach us about cancer

One would think a transparent, tiny—about one millimeter in length—organism could have difficulty catching anyone's attention. The roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), however, has been in the biological research ...

Medical research

When neurons behave like a double-edged sword

A new study reports that immune cell responses to bacteria affect the intrinsic excitability of rat neuronal subtypes differently. The findings have implications for neural network control, including irregularities that lead ...