
Five reasons your blood pressure medication isn't working

Keeping your blood pressure in check is a good way to lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. So, you follow orders, take your prescribed medication, and proudly accept your doctor's praise when the ...


Pasteurized donor milk may lose essential hormones

Pre-term babies consuming donor breast milk may be missing out on important hormones, such as melatonin, which are crucial for healthy infant development according to La Trobe University research.


Organic walnuts tied to serious E. coli illnesses

Organic walnuts from a California grower that were distributed to health food and co-op stores in 19 states have been linked to serious cases of E. coli illness, federal officials reported Tuesday.


Good carbs for optimal health

Do you push away the breadbasket or opt out of any meal that includes macaroni? If so, chances are you are one of the millions of people watching your carbs, or carbohydrates.


Brief anger may impair blood vessel function, says new research

A brief episode of anger triggered by remembering past experiences may negatively impact the blood vessels' ability to relax, which is essential for proper blood flow, according to new research published in the Journal of ...

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