
Japan women world's longest-lived as male lifespan tops 80

Japanese men's life expectancy rose above 80 for the first time in 2013, but was still several years below that of their female counterparts, whose lifespan was the world's longest, figures released Thursday showed.


Baby bonus blues ahead for mothers

Young mothers who are not in the paid workforce or are marginally employed will be significantly disadvantaged by the removal of the Baby Bonus.


Women in military less likely to drink than civilian women

While it is known that members of the U.S. military overall are more likely to use alcohol, a new study finds that female enlistees and female veterans are actually less likely to drink than their civilian counterparts. This ...


Can celebrity ambassadors change perceptions of breast feeding?

Breasts are the strongest symbol of female sexuality and are abundant in the media, on magazines, in adverts and in film. Celebrity breasts are depicted as objects of sexual desire and as a model for everyday women to aspire ...


Tip-over furniture can kill kids

(HealthDay)—It can happen in an instant: A small child pulls up on a television, dresser or computer monitor and gets critically injured when the furniture tips over.


Slow progress toward meaningful use stage 2

(HealthDay)—Providers and hospitals are making slow progress toward achieving meaningful use stage 2, according to an article published July 10 in Medical Economics.

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