
US appeals court deals blow to health law

(AP)—President Barack Obama's health care law is snared in another big legal battle after two federal appeals courts issued contradictory rulings on a key financing issue Tuesday.


Worldwide FGM ban sought at 'Girl Summit' (Update 2)

British Prime Minister David Cameron called on Tuesday for a worldwide ban on female genital mutilation and child marriage as he launched the first UN-backed "Girl Summit" on issues that affect millions around the globe.


US college pays $190M in exam pix settlement

A "rogue" gynecologist's secret use of tiny cameras to record hundreds of videos and photos of his patients' sex organs has led to a $190 million settlement with some 8,000 women and girls, lawyers said Monday.


Backscatter body scan redux

Airline passengers have already said bon voyage to the controversial backscatter x-ray security scanners, pulled from U.S. airports in 2013 over concerns about privacy and potential radiation risks. But the devices may be ...


Post-discharge telephone calls may reduce hospital readmissions

(Medical Xpress)—It's an all too familiar story: a patient—specifically a patient with chronic disease—goes into the hospital to get well and is discharged only to be readmitted within 30 days. Medicare spends $15 billion ...

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