
Impact of pesticide residue hard to track, experts say

Pesticides have been linked to Parkinson's disease, declines in cognitive performance, developmental disorders, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children. Their application has also been tied to environmental ...


Research shows demand for safer cycle routes

Couple Jean Beetham and Ed Randal both completed their Master's in Environmental Studies last year, each with a focus on cycling in Wellington, and will graduate in December. Although they approached the topic from different ...


Should sugary drinks carry a health warning?

In a personal view published in BMJ today, a professor of public health at a leading university thinks there should be health warning labels on sugary drinks.


Keeping active pays off even in your 70s and 80s

Older people who undertake at least 25 minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise everyday need fewer prescriptions and are less likely to be admitted to hospital in an emergency, new research has revealed.

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