
New campaign seeks to help sleep-deprived Americans

(HealthDay)—Everyone knows that to be healthy you should eat right and exercise. But now a new campaign is adding one more thing to that list: get a good night's sleep every night.


Panelists explore trend toward later parenthood

If there's one thing couples contemplating starting families later in life should keep in mind, it's that despite advances in fertility technology in recent decades, there are still no guarantees.


Grill healthy, grill happy

Memorial Day is the unofficial start to summer and grilling season, so VCU News reached out to VCU Medical Center registered dietitians Jan Starkey and Mary-Jo Sawyer for a few tips on keeping a great American pastime healthy ...


'I can' mentality goes long way after childbirth

The way a woman feels about tackling everyday physical activities, including exercise, may be a predictor of how much weight she'll retain years after childbirth says a Michigan State University professor.


Prescription drugs play an increased role in traffic deaths

As states across the country explore the relaxation of marijuana laws, the changes have sparked widespread debate about the actions' impact on public safety. According to a West Virginia University School of Public Health ...

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