
Women urged to eat more vegetables

(Medical Xpress)—Less than two per cent of Australian women are eating the recommended five servings of vegetables a day, according to new research from The University of Queensland.


Heavy-vehicle drivers' crash risk assessed

New research involving the Curtin-Monash Accident Research Centre has found that sleep apnea, while highly prevalent among heavy-vehicle drivers, is not associated with an increase in crashes.


Deli meats show signs of poor hygiene

Hygienic food handling and standard food safety protocols are not being practiced at many of Adelaide's supermarket delicatessens, according to a University of Adelaide study.


Workflow changes can remove practice hassles

(HealthDay)—Physicians can implement workflow strategies that return their focus to patient care, according to an article published May 8 in Medical Economics.


Pictures, symbols in discharge instructions aid Rx compliance

(HealthDay)—Using discharge instructions that employ pictures and symbols rather than words can improve hospital discharge medication compliance in illiterate patients, according to a study published in BMJ Quality Improvement ...


Poll: Sign-ups rise but little love for health law

President Barack Obama celebrated when sign-ups for his health care law topped 8 million, far exceeding expectations after a slipshod launch. Most Americans, however, remain unimpressed.

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