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Medical research news

Medical research

Policy paper calls for evidence-based public health approach to cannabis regulation

A public health approach is necessary to address the legal, medical, and social complexities of cannabis use, says the American College of Physicians (ACP) in a new policy paper released today.

Medical research

Data from largest Phase III trial of pre-symptomatic Alzheimer's disease now shared with scientists around the world

Data from the Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer's (A4) study, the first and largest clinical trial of pre-symptomatic Alzheimer's disease, is now widely available to researchers studying the condition. The ...

Medical research

Peptide cocktails show promise in combating antibiotic resistance

Antibiotics are essential tools in modern medicine, regularly used to treat bacterial infections and prevent infections during surgery. However, the widespread use of antibiotics has led to many bacteria developing resistance, ...

Medical research

Cure for male pattern baldness given boost by sugar discovery

The key to curing male pattern baldness—a condition that affects up to 50% of men worldwide—could lie in a sugar that naturally occurs in the human body, according to scientists at the University of Sheffield.

Medical research

Study finds tumor growth fueled by nucleotide salvage

Cancer cells salvage purine nucleotides to fuel tumor growth, including purines in foods we eat, an important discovery with implications for cancer therapies from research by Children's Medical Center Research Institute ...

Medical research

Study illuminates sugar's role in common kidney disease

A study of kidney organoids in a novel lab environment might have downstream implications for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease (PKD), an incurable condition that affects more than 12 million people worldwide.

Medical research

Newly discovered anatomy shields and monitors brain

From the complexity of neural networks to basic biological functions and structures, the human brain only reluctantly reveals its secrets. Advances in neuro-imaging and molecular biology have only recently enabled scientists ...

Medical research

The molecules behind metastasis

Many cancer cells never leave their original tumors. Some cancer cells evolve the ability to migrate to other tissues, but once there cannot manage to form new tumors, and so remain dormant. The deadliest cancer cells are ...

Medical research

Drug can spur liver regeneration in Alagille syndrome

Research led by Associate Professor Duc Dong, Ph.D., has shown for the first time that the effects of Alagille syndrome, an incurable genetic disorder that affects the liver, could be reversed with a single drug. The study, ...

Medical research

Machine learning helps to tackle long COVID

Long COVID has emerged as a pandemic within the pandemic. As scientists work to untangle the many remaining unanswered questions about how the initial infection impacts the body, they must now also investigate why some people ...

Medical research

Study identifies four major subtypes of long COVID

The post-COVID syndrome known as long COVID has four major subtypes defined by different clusters of symptoms, according to a study led by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine.

Medical research

An artificial tissue restores erectile function in pigs

Scientists have developed a synthetic tissue that repairs injuries and restores normal erectile function in a pig model, in a study publishing January 4 in the journal Matter. The findings suggest that the artificial tunica ...

Medical research

Researchers reveal an added layer of nuance in our sense of smell

The delicate fragrance of jasmine is a delight to the senses. The sweet scent is popular in teas, perfumes and potpourri. But take a whiff of the concentrated essential oil, and the pleasant aroma becomes almost cloying. ...

Medical research

Research provides valuable comparison of anticoagulant drugs

Newly published research out of the University of Cincinnati and the University of California-Davis shows that direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) drugs are more effective and are more cost-effective than low molecular weight ...

Medical research

Autopsies show COVID-19 virus in brain, elsewhere in body

An analysis of tissue samples from the autopsies of 44 people who died with COVID-19 shows that SAR-CoV-2 virus spread throughout the body—including into the brain—and that it lingered for almost eight months. The study ...

Medical research

Alveolar macrophages help CD8+ T cells go (anti-)viral

The human immune system is a highly complex network of cells, signals, and responses that is tightly regulated to ensure that the body can fight off infection without damaging its own tissues. Now, researchers from Japan ...