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Medical research news

Medical research

Study finds tumor growth fueled by nucleotide salvage

Cancer cells salvage purine nucleotides to fuel tumor growth, including purines in foods we eat, an important discovery with implications for cancer therapies from research by Children's Medical Center Research Institute ...

Medical research

Study highlights association between urinary and vaginal pathogenic E. coli in recurrent cystitis

The human body hosts a diverse array of microorganisms that maintain a delicate balance crucial for overall health. This microbial harmony can be disrupted by factors such as infections, aging, and hormonal changes, leading ...

Medical research

Protein droplets likely don't cause Parkinson's, study suggests

Liquid-liquid phase separation is not a precursor to formation of amyloid fibrils, a pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease, shows a recent study. Rather, the formation of protein into liquid droplets may help to dissolve ...

Medical research

Clinical trials: Two arms are better than one

The German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) has responded critically to a reflection paper by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on the approval of new drugs based on single-arm studies.

Medical research

New method makes it easier to research pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer. This is largely due to the cancer being detected at a late stage. In addition, treatment options for pancreatic cancer are limited.

Medical research

Factors linked to racial disparities in chronic pain after injury

Chronic pain is a top cause of disability in the United States, with the costs of medical care and lost productivity exceeding $500 billion, according to an Institute of Medicine report. Many people who suffer an acute traumatic ...

Medical research

Discovery may complement recovery from ischemic stroke

A study led by Nicolas Bazan, MD, Ph.D., Director of the LSU Health New Orleans Neuroscience Center, pinpointed which cells within specific areas of the brain are involved in post-stroke response and found that the delivery ...

Medical research

Targeting autophagy to enhance memory immune responses

Memory B cells depend on autophagy for their survival, but the protein Rubicon is thought to hinder this process. Researchers from Osaka University have discovered a shorter isoform of Rubicon called RUBCN100, which enhances ...

Medical research

From COVID to cancer: High hopes for Nobel mRNA vaccines

The coronavirus pandemic brought global renown to the mRNA technology that underpins vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, and on Monday earned a Nobel Prize for two scientists who have been key to its development.

Medical research

Drew Weissman, Nobel-winning mRNA pioneer

Drew Weissman's decades of research into mRNA technology paved the way for COVID-19 vaccines, finally earning a Nobel prize for the physician-scientist.