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Medical research news

Medical research

Scientists are closing in on a mouse model for late-onset Alzheimer's disease

Mice don't get Alzheimer's—and while that's good news for mice, it's a big problem for biomedical researchers seeking to understand the disease and test new treatments. Now, researchers at The Jackson Laboratory are working ...

Medical research

Study provides new insights into fighting leukemia by targeting its stem cells

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common blood and bone marrow cancer in adults. Caused by an increase in immature cells that rapidly destroy and replace healthy blood cells (red and white blood cells and platelets), ...

Medical research

Guideline on management of central airway obstruction released

The American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) recently released a new clinical guideline on central airway obstruction (CAO). Published in the journal CHEST, the guideline contains 12 evidence-based recommendations to ...

Medical research

Cure for male pattern baldness given boost by sugar discovery

The key to curing male pattern baldness—a condition that affects up to 50% of men worldwide—could lie in a sugar that naturally occurs in the human body, according to scientists at the University of Sheffield.

Medical research

Peptide cocktails show promise in combating antibiotic resistance

Antibiotics are essential tools in modern medicine, regularly used to treat bacterial infections and prevent infections during surgery. However, the widespread use of antibiotics has led to many bacteria developing resistance, ...

Medical research

Dissemination of bone metastasis linked with bone remodeling

Years to decades after breast tumors have been removed, cancer may return or metastasize in other organs. Bone is frequently affected by metastasis and in the current study published in the journal Cancer Discovery, a team ...

Medical research

How tumors suppress the development of metastases

Why do metastases often only appear after the original tumor has been surgically removed? Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) and the Mannheim Medical Faculty of Heidelberg ...

Medical research

New mouse model provides unprecedented look at human immune system

Upon the prick of a finger or scrape of the knee, neutrophils rush to the scene. These white blood cells are the first line of defense against infection in all multicellular organisms. "They are absolutely essential for life," ...

Medical research

Sticky cell fingers help keep breast tumors contained

Researchers at Turku University and Åbo Akademi University, Finland, have identified that finger-like cellular extensions called filopodia contribute to building a barrier surrounding breast tumors.

Medical research

Study explains why adults' hearts don't regenerate

As heart cells mature in mice, the number of communication pathways called nuclear pores dramatically decreases, according to new research from University of Pittsburgh and UPMC scientists. While this might protect the organ ...