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Medical research news

Medical research

Scientists are closing in on a mouse model for late-onset Alzheimer's disease

Mice don't get Alzheimer's—and while that's good news for mice, it's a big problem for biomedical researchers seeking to understand the disease and test new treatments. Now, researchers at The Jackson Laboratory are working ...

Medical research

Study provides new insights into fighting leukemia by targeting its stem cells

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common blood and bone marrow cancer in adults. Caused by an increase in immature cells that rapidly destroy and replace healthy blood cells (red and white blood cells and platelets), ...

Medical research

Guideline on management of central airway obstruction released

The American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) recently released a new clinical guideline on central airway obstruction (CAO). Published in the journal CHEST, the guideline contains 12 evidence-based recommendations to ...

Medical research

Cure for male pattern baldness given boost by sugar discovery

The key to curing male pattern baldness—a condition that affects up to 50% of men worldwide—could lie in a sugar that naturally occurs in the human body, according to scientists at the University of Sheffield.

Medical research

Peptide cocktails show promise in combating antibiotic resistance

Antibiotics are essential tools in modern medicine, regularly used to treat bacterial infections and prevent infections during surgery. However, the widespread use of antibiotics has led to many bacteria developing resistance, ...

Medical research

Exploring obsessive-compulsive disorder in an animal model

A study published today in the journal GigaScience provides an enormous amount of behavioral data, presented in a detailed videographic virtual library, that was used to explore obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in an animal ...

Medical research

Data sharing platform expands access to clinical trials data

Clinical trials are most likely to establish a causal relationship and attribute the benefits observed in the outcomes to the treatments. Effective data sharing and re-use of completed trial data can advance science and improve ...

Medical research

Alterations to gut mucus may trigger ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is the most common type of inflammatory bowel disease, characterized by chronic ulcers and inflammation in the colon and rectum. Symptoms can be lifelong and range from mild to life-threatening. There is ...

Medical research

Stopping the spread: Targeting tumor metastasis

The process of metastasis is when cancer cells gain motility and spread to other sites of the body. Because this is one of the main causes of cancer-related deaths, researchers have aimed to develop therapeutic strategies ...

Medical research

Tackling resistance to HIF2 drugs with an RNA-based therapy

Expected to be diagnosed in 2% of men and 1% of women in the U.S., kidney cancer has traditionally been one of the most challenging cancers to treat. Until 2005, only one drug had been approved by the Food and Drug Administration ...