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Medical research news

Medical research

Study debunks link between moderate drinking and longer life

Probably everyone has heard the conventional wisdom that a glass of wine a day is good for you—or you've heard some variation of it. The problem is that it's based on flawed scientific research, according to a new report ...

Medical research

Scientists are closing in on a mouse model for late-onset Alzheimer's disease

Mice don't get Alzheimer's—and while that's good news for mice, it's a big problem for biomedical researchers seeking to understand the disease and test new treatments. Now, researchers at The Jackson Laboratory are working ...

Medical research

Guideline on management of central airway obstruction released

The American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) recently released a new clinical guideline on central airway obstruction (CAO). Published in the journal CHEST, the guideline contains 12 evidence-based recommendations to ...

Medical research

Cure for male pattern baldness given boost by sugar discovery

The key to curing male pattern baldness—a condition that affects up to 50% of men worldwide—could lie in a sugar that naturally occurs in the human body, according to scientists at the University of Sheffield.

Medical research

Peptide cocktails show promise in combating antibiotic resistance

Antibiotics are essential tools in modern medicine, regularly used to treat bacterial infections and prevent infections during surgery. However, the widespread use of antibiotics has led to many bacteria developing resistance, ...

Medical research

New insights into how serotonin regulates behavior

Rates of anxiety and depression have been increasing around the world for decades, a trend that has been sharply exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. New research led by the Boyce Thompson Institute's Frank Schroeder could ...

Medical research

New research details the microbial origins of Type 1 diabetes

Almost a decade ago, UO graduate student Jennifer Hampton Hill made a fortuitous find: A protein made by gut bacteria that triggered insulin-producing cells to replicate. The protein was an important clue to the biological ...

Medical research

Advancing the acute treatment of stroke

Stroke is the "number one killer" that endangers life and health in China. Statistics released by the National Health Commission show that the total number of stroke patients in China exceeds 28 million, and at least 1 in ...

Medical research

Medical jargon is source of confusion for non-physicians

In work published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School researchers examined whether the general public understands the medical jargon that physicians typically use in their introductions ...

Medical research

Research sheds new light on long COVID conditions

Most people who get COVID-19 recover within a few weeks. But some people—even those who had mild versions of the disease—have symptoms that last weeks or months after an initial COVID infection. These ongoing health problems, ...

Medical research

Scientists discover mechanism of hearing

Scientists at Oregon Health & Science University have revealed, for the first time and in near-atomic detail, the structure of the key part of the inner ear responsible for hearing.

Medical research

Small-molecule drug reverses neural effects of concussion

A small molecule called ISRIB that was identified at UC San Francisco can reverse the neuronal and cognitive effects of concussion in mice weeks after an injury occurred, new research has found.

Medical research

Examining how infections can have long-term consequences

A team led by Prof Kiavash Movahedi (VUB, VIB) has mapped in detail how the immune system acts against pathogens invading the brain. The findings shed new light on host-pathogen interactions and the long-term consequences ...

Medical research

Study questions the medical privacy of forensic samples

Watch any episode of "CSI," and a character will use forensic DNA profiling to identify a criminal. A new study from San Francisco State University suggests that these forensic profiles may indirectly reveal medical information—perhaps ...

Medical research

Investigating the role of fatty acids in cancer cell survival

Northwestern Medicine investigators have discovered that a particular enzyme is essential for regulating cancer cell survival and metastasis under cellular stress, findings that were published in the Proceedings of the National ...