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Sports medicine & Kinesiology news

Oncology & Cancer

Unraveling the role of exercise in cancer suppression

Call it a new type of precision medicine. A Northeastern researcher says one day oncologists may be able to write personalized exercise "prescriptions" for cancer patients that suppress tumor growth.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Smart insoles that could change the game for sports and health

What if your insoles could do more than just cushion your feet? Imagine a pair that could track your movements, help athletes avoid injuries, or even assist doctors in monitoring recovery.


Exercise of any kind boosts brainpower at any age

Whether it's an early morning jog, or a touch of Tai Chi, new research from the University of South Australia shows that any form of exercise can significantly boost brain function and memory across children, adults, and ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Maintaining mobility with aging means planning ahead

Winter weather makes it hard for everyone to get around. But for many, especially older people, the whole world can feel like an icy sidewalk every day of the year, particularly if they already have problems with their mobility ...


How often should I wash my exercise clothes?

When you come home from a run or a sweaty gym session, do you immediately fling your clothes into the washing machine for a hot cycle? Or do you leave them on a chair (or the floordrobe) so you can wear them again tomorrow?

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

A physical therapist's best advice on foot pain

For nurses, servers, construction workers, and many others, work means a lot of time on their feet. Repeated motions can lead to muscle, nerve, or tendon stress. A split-second equipment slip can outmatch steel-toed boots ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Exploring foot biomechanics using a women's basketball team

A biomechanics study conducted by University of Rhode Island graduate and former star guard on the women's basketball team Catherine "Dolly" Cairns was recently published. Cairns conducted the study on the basketball floor ...


Oh, there's no gift like health for the holidays

A gift that helps someone eat, sleep or exercise better can send a powerful message, said Dr. Laurence Sperling, the Katz Professor in Preventive Cardiology at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta.


Why some concussions are worse than others

As organs go, the human brain is an odd one. It's remarkably big relative to our bodies, for starters. It's also wrinklier than most, with a complex, folded surface making space for the tens of billions of interconnected ...


Are you getting enough protein?

Are you getting too much protein, not enough or just the right amount? The answer? It depends. Your gender, age, activities, use of weight-loss medication or supplements and other factors can affect your protein needs.


New international guideline on diabetes and exercise

Professor Dr. Othmar Moser from the University of Bayreuth is the lead author of the new international guideline on exercise and type 1 diabetes. A total of 26 international authors contributed to the position paper, which ...


Five ways to make your daily walks even more beneficial

Physical activity doesn't need to be complicated. Even just a brisk, ten-minute daily walk can deliver a host of health benefits—lowering the risk of several diseases, including heart disease, stroke and several cancers.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Genicular artery embolization effective, safe for knee osteoarthritis

Genicular artery embolization (GEA) is effective and safe for reducing osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms among patients with knee OA that is refractory to conservative therapy, according to a study presented at the annual meeting ...