Sports medicine & Kinesiology

New clues to origins of lower back pain

Some people might be prone to low back pain because of specific cells contained in their spinal disks, a new study suggests.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Why some amateur athletes are giving up on smartwatches

Measuring the number of steps you take every day; tracking your heart rate, your pace or average ascent while jogging; memorizing the total distance you cycle over the course of a year and sharing it with an online community. ...


How to jump-start your new year with cold weather running

As 2024 approaches, many people look to begin the year with resolutions to become more fit. Some people find it challenging to get enthusiastic about outdoor exercise during the winter. However, don't discount the joys of ...


Brisk walks found to support smoking cessation

Good news for anyone who wants to quit smoking in the new year: In a recently published study, Innsbruck scientists show that ten-minute brisk walking sessions reduce the cravings of temporarily abstinent smokers and improve ...

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