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Sports medicine & Kinesiology news


Resiliency and concussion: Why do some athletes develop neurodegeneration and others don't?

Ontario's Minister of Sport, 71-year-old Neil Lumsden, recently announced his decision to donate his brain to the Concussion Legacy Foundation Canada to support research on brain injuries.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Researchers challenge high-intensity interval training critics

The promotion of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for public health is a lightning rod for debate, especially from its staunchest critics within the scientific community.


Soccer headers briefly slow brain activity, study shows

Using the head to pass, shoot or clear a ball is routine in soccer and does not typically lead to concussions. However, a new study from the University of British Columbia reveals that even mild heading has some measurable ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Skeletal muscle relaxants beneficial for only certain conditions

Long-term use of skeletal muscle relaxants (SMRs) for chronic pain is only effective for certain conditions, such as painful spasms, painful cramps, and neck pain, according to a review published online Sept. 19 in JAMA Network ...


UBE microdiscectomy beneficial for lumbar disc herniation

For adults with symptomatic lumbar disc herniation, unilateral biportal endoscopic (UBE) microdiscectomy is associated with longer operating times and with lower pain medication consumption in the early postoperative period ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Why is pain so exhausting?

One of the most common feelings associated with persisting pain is fatigue and this fatigue can become overwhelming. People with chronic pain can report being drained of energy and motivation to engage with others or the ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Endurance exercise without weight loss may reduce body fat

Participating in a high volume of exercise over a short period of time, such as cycling hundreds of miles in a few days, could reduce body fat levels without weight loss. The first-of-its-kind study is published ahead of ...


How to prevent or at least slow developing 'Dead butt syndrome'

Its name might sound funny, but its long-term effects are no laughing matter. "Dead butt syndrome," an affliction that once targeted athletes, is now a major cause of pain and discomfort among people who sit at a desk for ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

For female distance runners, leaner isn't faster

The idea that a leaner body makes for a faster stride is common among distance runners. But it's inaccurate and sets a dangerous ideal, according to Megan Roche, MD, Ph.D., an ultrarunner and researcher at Stanford Medicine.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Hyaluronic acid shows strong results in Achilles tendon injuries

New data presented at the Isokinetic Football Medicine Conferenceheld May 25–27 in London has revealed significant improvement in professional athletes with Achilles tendon injury using a treatment of bio-inductive and ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Score goals safely with these soccer injury prevention tips

While the U.S. women's national soccer team competes in the FIFA Women's World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, many amateur players may be inspired to kick up the soccer ball at home. A Baylor College of Medicine athletic ...


Keeping kids safe outside during summer play

Summer vacation for kids is well underway. Finding activities to keep the kids busy and destinations to visit can be on many parents' list. There is one place Mayo Clinic's Dr. Steven Maher hopes they don't have to visit—and ...


You sprained your ankle. Now what?

You step off a sidewalk curb, land wrong after shooting a basketball or stumble on uneven ground. Your ankle pops, twists or crunches, and now you're limping and sore. You may just have sprained your ankle.